Chill'n at the Park - Before it Gets Too Hot!
As the month draws to an end I want to thank everyone who was following me on the EveryWear Challenge. It has been a lot of fun and I'm sure we will continue to get out and about in our EveryWear, I just won't be blogging about it EVERYDAY. :) Thanks Scandinavian Child, it has been an amazing May. Carrying my kids will never be the same. The EveryWear is truly an amazing carrier. For anyone who is undecided about a carrier, this one is a real winner, both 'free' hands down!
I'm Mrs. Love...mommy of 2 and wife to Superman.
These are the musings of my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
05/30/2010 - BBQ Sunday, a beautiful day EveryWear
Ahh, there is nothing quite like a BBQ with friends on a beautiful Sunday. Day 30 of the EveryWear Challenge found us bopping in, out and around at a BBQ. I have realized that the EveryWear is perfect to wear when you are trying to get things cleaned up and loaded into the car to head back home. I knew were my little one was at all times, and she wasn't crying.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
05/29/2010 - Day 29, really?
Wow, day 29 of the EveryWear Challenge.
It is extreme close-up day so here you go!
Only a few days left of the month...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Friday, May 28, 2010
05/28/2010 - May is Everywear!
Here we are on our nightly walk about the neighborhood. Supergirl really loves the EveryWear, and so do I. Of all my carriers, I love this one the most. It is a cinch to get her in, light weight, breathable, gives me both hands free to hold Superboy's hand, washes up in a snap, and allows me to configure it in 4 different ways. I will be sad to see it go once both of my Superbabies are all grown up. But since the EveryWear can carry up to 43 lbs, I have a bit of time before I have to say goodbye and pass my EveryWear along to a friend. *sigh* On a happier note, the EveryWear Challenge has really made going out a part of our nightly routine. It has been a lot of fun! Thanks Scandinavian Child!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
05/27/2010 - Mom & Tot Potluck!
Day 27 of the EveryWear Challenge found me hosting the 2nd Annual Mom & Tot Potluck. The turnout was a bit smaller than anticipated, but that did not hinder the amount of food, fun, or conversation. In attendance were 3 under one year old girls, 4 two year old boys, 4 mommies, 3 daddies, and an honorary grandmommy. To help keep Supergirl from getting run over by the ever-so-busy boys in "garbage trucks", I put her in the EveryWear until the traffic calmed down. Here is a picture from her view of the room...or should I say Vaaa-room! :)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
05/26/2010 - Windy Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
05/25/2010 - Day 25 - Where did the month go?
Poof! Day 25 of the EveryWear Challenge and I can hardly believe there are only a few days left in the month of May! Part of me wants to say, where did the time go, but I can see in my daily blog exactly where it went EveryWear! LOL!
Monday, May 24, 2010
05/24/2010 - Monday....ahhhh Cooking EveryWear
We have cooking in the EveryWear down pat! Day 28 of the EveryWear Challenge found us again in the kitchen and I love eating breakfast for dinner! So waffles, bacon, and eggs! Yummy! To keep Supergirl away for any splatters, I put her on my back and just like a little monkey, she enjoyed the ride! Thanks EveryWear!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
05/23/2010 - The long 'Hall'
We went to the neighbors for dinner tonight.I had every intention for getting a great photo of me mingling with the EveryWear on, but forgot the camera. So here is my random shot after a long night with the neighbors in our 'long hall'....Yea Day 23 of the EveryWear Challenge!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
05/22/2010 - Take Time....
Sometimes you have to stop and take time to smell the roses, literally!
Day 22 in the EveryWear Challenge found us doing just that.
Friday, May 21, 2010
05/21/2010 - FRIDAY, Get Out!
How do I get out of the house with my baby? With the EveryWear of course!
Seriously, just snap it on, pop in your "up to 43 lb child", open up the door and GO!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
05/20/2010 - Baking EveryWear - Day 20
Yup, I was feeling like a domestic goddess....While sporting the EveryWear on day 20 of the challenge, we not only made home-made bread (as you can see baking in the over Supergirl's head), but we also make home-made granola! It was an awesome baking day.
Man, what am I going to do when summer hits & I don't want to start my oven...Hmmm.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
05/19/2010 - Empty EveryWear
Our friends had us over for dinner and I packed my EveryWear as always, but darn it, my kids were being held in other arms...Hey, it is okay, I looked good anyway!
orry about the picture, Superman was getting crafty with the angle.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
05/18/2010 - Tuesday
When in doubt on how to get out...head to the mailbox! It's always an adventure!
The EveryWear Challenge - Day 18
Monday, May 17, 2010
05/17/2010 - Sleep EveryWear
Ahh. Mondays...a perfect day for another nap in the EveryWear.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
05/16/2010 - Quick Trip
Ah, nothing like a quick shopping trip in the EveryWear! Can you guess where we are for the 16th day of the EveryWear Challenge?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
05/15/2010 - Party Time
Headed out to a birthday party this weekend and Superboy needed to be corralled. Everyone was so amazed how I easily converted the EveryWear from an in-facing carrier for my 6 month old to a back carrier for my 2 year old. It was a snap and Superboy loved just hanging out. What a great day 15 in the EveryWear Challenge!
Friday, May 14, 2010
05/14/2010 - Walking EveryWear
Out and about on Day 14 of the EveryWear Challenge. Stopping to pose with one of the neighborhood boys.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
05/13/2010 - Magic Day 13
It's the Lucky 13th day of the EveryWear Challenge! Back to the grocery store. This trip took us to Fresh & Easy, one of our favorite stores. I pup Supergirl in the EveryWear, easily converting it back to in-facing (like 20 seconds) and plopped Superboy in the cart. I must mention that while in the store Superboy stated he needed to use the bathroom and since Supergirl was in the EveryWear, I easily got him on the potty and re-clothed/diapered with out an issue. I was really surprised. I feel like I'm becoming one with the EveryWear! Oh, and Superboy got his first tattoo...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
05/12/2010 - EveryWear with Veggies! Day 12
I want a garden, really I do, but getting a garden started in the desert is just not easy enough for me with 2 small I'm living vicariously through friends who like down the street. They have a 3 1/2 year old. We have been watching their veggies grow for some time... So, after the phone call, we loaded up and went to pull and play! :) Superboy helped harvest carrots and beets! Supergirl got in the action in the EveryWear. She loved her feet being dangled in the dirt! LOL! This may be the experience that pushes me over the edge to start a garden for fall.
05/12/2010 - Just know this....
I love my husband with all my heart, soul, body, and mind...he's Superman of course. But every Superman has his kryptonite, and my Superman's is cooking. When we were first dating I was impressed by a tuna-puff thingy that was very amazing....(he made me dinner while I was writing a final exam paper)...but as time went on his cooking skills started to show a different side. Hmmmm...
At one time it was just bread that he couldn't cook. Superman could burn bread without hardly trying! Every batch of garlic bread was blackened and was usually followed by 2 sounds...1, the smoke detector (if it was really bad) or 2, a knife scrapping the burnt parts off.
Occasionally he likes to try to be creative....some recent examples:
- Tossing frozen mixed veggies into Bean and Ham soup...(gag)
- Frozen mixed veggies into lasagna...(so-so, not typical veggies)
- Hominy into chili (was actually yummy)
- Frozen mixed veggies into eggs with tofu (not my fav)
- Gee, he likes to put frozen mixed veggies into almost everything....
Anyway, his heart is in totally the right place and I give him tons of credit for trying, and I know it's usually a time issue, but this past weekend showcased his lack of kitchen experience with potatoes...I love him...I'll let the picture speak for itself....yes, those are potatoes, and yes, they are grayish-black, and yes, I did try them. & Oh, we were asked to bring this lovely dish to a friend's house for a Mother's Day Dinner....
So, please know, if you ask us to bring something over for party that is to be consumed, either ask me to cook or ask Superman to pick up something from the store on his way over.Sorry, I love you honey!
At one time it was just bread that he couldn't cook. Superman could burn bread without hardly trying! Every batch of garlic bread was blackened and was usually followed by 2 sounds...1, the smoke detector (if it was really bad) or 2, a knife scrapping the burnt parts off.
Occasionally he likes to try to be creative....some recent examples:
- Tossing frozen mixed veggies into Bean and Ham soup...(gag)
- Frozen mixed veggies into lasagna...(so-so, not typical veggies)
- Hominy into chili (was actually yummy)
- Frozen mixed veggies into eggs with tofu (not my fav)
- Gee, he likes to put frozen mixed veggies into almost everything....
Anyway, his heart is in totally the right place and I give him tons of credit for trying, and I know it's usually a time issue, but this past weekend showcased his lack of kitchen experience with potatoes...I love him...I'll let the picture speak for itself....yes, those are potatoes, and yes, they are grayish-black, and yes, I did try them. & Oh, we were asked to bring this lovely dish to a friend's house for a Mother's Day Dinner....
So, please know, if you ask us to bring something over for party that is to be consumed, either ask me to cook or ask Superman to pick up something from the store on his way over.Sorry, I love you honey!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
05/11/2010 - Day Double One
Here we are...Day 11 of the EveryWear Challenge! It is starting to look like our regular "outing" is going to the mailbox down the block, but hey, at least we are getting out. The EveryWear makes it easy. I just clip it on, pop Supergirl in and go!
Superboy loves it when we get a package. He feels the need to carry it back to the house. Here he is bringing back the online order of TrueLemon! Yummy! In the 2nd picture he was distracted by an ant...boys! LOL!
Monday, May 10, 2010
5/10/10 - Day Ten....Sigh...
The wind was fierce! So our outing was short...sorry the picture is so poor! Not to mention that we both look weathered. LOL! But hey, we made it out in the EveryWear...I hope I can keep up with the Challenge!
Sunday, May 09, 2010
05/09/10 - Happy Mother's Day Nine....
Happy Mother's Day!!! This year was great, aside from me having horrid allergies (making me cranky). Superboy let me cuddle with him in the morning, amazing...and the Superfam took me out for lunch at Pei Wei...Super yummy! Superboy was totally in love with my brown rice...yes, another 'action' photo...he doesn't sit still.
Supergirl even let me put a dress and hair bow on her. She was so cute...I should have gotten a better picture.
We also went shopping! It was still super windy and the dust was yucky, but I put Supergirl in the EveryWear and a shopping we went. Yes, I know the picture is great...oh well. And can I again add that she fell asleep in the EveryWear! She is so comfy in it! Love it! Anyway, we needed a new monitor as the one we got with Superboy was transmitting poorly after 2+ years of extreme use.
Once we ventured home and the kids napped I put Supergirl in a little hand-me-down beach outfit and for the first time, I really started to see her brother in her. So cute! I could eat those cheeks!
Supergirl even let me put a dress and hair bow on her. She was so cute...I should have gotten a better picture.
We also went shopping! It was still super windy and the dust was yucky, but I put Supergirl in the EveryWear and a shopping we went. Yes, I know the picture is great...oh well. And can I again add that she fell asleep in the EveryWear! She is so comfy in it! Love it! Anyway, we needed a new monitor as the one we got with Superboy was transmitting poorly after 2+ years of extreme use.
Once we ventured home and the kids napped I put Supergirl in a little hand-me-down beach outfit and for the first time, I really started to see her brother in her. So cute! I could eat those cheeks!
Saturday, May 08, 2010
05/08/10 - Day 8....AH, AH, AhCHOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Today's adventure was limited due to my horrible allergies! Clipping Supergirl into the EveryWear we made it to the mailbox and sat outside while Superboy played in the sand and rocks with his tractor. As you can see in the picture I didn't show my face due to the puffy eyes and Rudolph styled nose, but you can see the lovely Kleenex that I'm holding in my far hand....nice.
Friday, May 07, 2010
05/07/10 - Day 7 of the EWC
And on the 7th day we rested...HARDLY! Being it was Friday I felt the need to take a power walk through the desert with my kids. The sun still goes down pretty early here and Superboy's bedtime is 8, so after we scarfed down dinner I grabbed all the gear and we were out the door!
(I'd also like to add that typically Superman...aka my hubby leaves for work as soon as I get home, so I do all the evening activities solo...yes, I take my own pictures or ask random people to take one and pray it turns out...LOL)
The trek over the dirt and sage brush was an adventure. Supergirl rode in style in the EveryWear, which was super comfy on our off rode jaunt. My son really liked all the dirt/sticks and the dogs were troopers! Here's a pic of us on our way home.
(I'd also like to add that typically Superman...aka my hubby leaves for work as soon as I get home, so I do all the evening activities solo...yes, I take my own pictures or ask random people to take one and pray it turns out...LOL)
The trek over the dirt and sage brush was an adventure. Supergirl rode in style in the EveryWear, which was super comfy on our off rode jaunt. My son really liked all the dirt/sticks and the dogs were troopers! Here's a pic of us on our way home.
05/07/2010 - 5QF!
It's 5 Question Friday! Thanks to My Little Life!
1. What is your worst memory of your siblings?
Oooo, too dark....pass...
2. What was YOUR naughtiest childhood memory? (Must be something YOU did, no pawning it off on someone else!)
Totally getting my brother in trouble! He hit me on the head, not really that hard, but I put some major drama into how bad it hurt. My mom was so mad at my brother, ranting about how he would give me brain damage...she literally ripped his pj's to shreds!
3. Where do you like to go to relax?
To bed...or hide in the bathroom!
4. What was the last thing you won?
An EveryWear!!!!! Just a few days ago! (See my other blog posts)
5. If you could be on a game show, which would you choose?
I was on "The Price is Right"...lame... Maybe I'd go for "Deal or No Deal"?
Thursday, May 06, 2010
05/06/10 - Day 6
Happy Thursday! Today was day 6 of the EveryWear Challenge and we went to the grocery store. I usually put Supergirl in her car seat and put the car seat in the cart, but the EveryWear made it so much easier to actually buy stuff, as I room in the cart for both Superboy and food. Plus, she fell asleep shortly after this picture was taken.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
05-05-10 - Day 5 of the EveryWear Challenge!
So, here it is Cinco! FIESTA!!!!
Anyway....on with my report of my participation in the EveryWear Challenge:
My outstanding husband, aka Superman, watches the kidos during the day while I'm at work. During the hour of 4 pm he quickly hands over the kiddies while I slide out of my work clothes and listen to an update of who has eaten what and who has poo'd... you know, the important things! Anyway, the 5th of May was a sleepless day for all those in the "Love Shack". Superman flew in late last night and got a whopping 3.5 hours of sleep before Superboy got up (which is usually round 6 am). As the day went on Supergirl didn't take her usual naps and neither did Superboy...needless to say, Superman was not feeling so super by the time I came home. As magic would have it. I walk to Superboy's new bedroom and he has fallen asleep...funny as I just heard him talking to Superman not 3 mins earlier....pumped I left him to sleep and continued on with my nightly rituals...I knew I better get working on dinner and since I knew I was not going to make it outside for my EveryWear Challenge, I popped Supergirl in the EveryWear facing me and started to make dinner. Low and behold 10 mins in, Supergirl is sleeping! I snap on the sleeping hood and she slumbers for 60 mins while Superboy is still sleeping and dinner was cooked to perfection! SWEET! Thanks EveryWear!!!
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
05-04-10 Tuesday - Day 4
So, this was a crazy day, and we didn't get out of the house. It's amazing how much control a toddler with the "two's" can do to a family....Even though we didn't make it out of the house, I did pop on the EveryWear and got a lot of stuff done around the house.
Monday, May 03, 2010
05-03-10 Mommy Monday
Ok, this is actually short, but at times I feel like a horrible mommy. How can something so small be the cause of both my greatest joys and frustrations....
My son is an adorable 2 year-old and suffers from the terrible twos...and I don't fault him for being unable to communicate exactly what he needs in a way I can understand, but at times I'm just perplexed why this little man is sobbing, with drool running off his shirt, and snot pouring from his nose....*sigh* I know it will get better...the days may be long, but the years go fast....
My son is an adorable 2 year-old and suffers from the terrible twos...and I don't fault him for being unable to communicate exactly what he needs in a way I can understand, but at times I'm just perplexed why this little man is sobbing, with drool running off his shirt, and snot pouring from his nose....*sigh* I know it will get better...the days may be long, but the years go fast....
Sunday, May 02, 2010
05-02-10 - A Windy Day 2
Day 2 on "I am EveryWear"....What is "I am EveryWear" you ask....Well, to encourage parents to get out & about with their babies, Scandinavian Child has created the líllébaby “I am EveryWear” Sweepstakes. Click on the link to check it out and join in the fun!
So today is/was WINDY!!! So our journey outside was short. Since I forgot to get the mail yesterday we walked to the mail box and around the block. The EveryWear easily fit under my jacket. Perfect to keep us both snug and cozy! I was going to use the sleeping hood, but she looked so cute in her hat.
So today is/was WINDY!!! So our journey outside was short. Since I forgot to get the mail yesterday we walked to the mail box and around the block. The EveryWear easily fit under my jacket. Perfect to keep us both snug and cozy! I was going to use the sleeping hood, but she looked so cute in her hat.
Saturday, May 01, 2010
05-01-10 - Getting Out!
After the coldest, snowiest winter in decades, it’s time to get out and enjoy the outdoors with your baby. To encourage parents to get out & about with their babies, Scandinavian Child has created the líllébaby “I am EveryWear” Sweepstakes.

Day 1:
The plan was to hit a few community garage sales with ASL in the new EveryWear. What a sweet little hit she was. I loved the older people commenting..."Ooo, there's a baby hiding in there.." (It was sunny so I had the hood over her.) Here we are as we made it home with great bargains in the truck!
Day 1:
The plan was to hit a few community garage sales with ASL in the new EveryWear. What a sweet little hit she was. I loved the older people commenting..."Ooo, there's a baby hiding in there.." (It was sunny so I had the hood over her.) Here we are as we made it home with great bargains in the truck!
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