LIFE! Without it, I would not be here to experience the adventure that life really is. Life is so amazing! It gives us the opportunity to feel a bevy of emotions, see sights unimaginable, touch objects thought to be untouchable, smell amazing scents, taste the splendor of many things, hear the sounds that can soothe and revive the spirit, travel to places near and far.....Life is the best thing I have going for me right now. ENJOY!
I'm Mrs. Love...mommy of 2 and wife to Superman.
These are the musings of my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
11/26/2010 - Day 26 Have you ever thought about giving up on life?
Really? That's cheerful on Black Friday....This meme is not much fun anymore...Hmmmm....4 days to go. Sorry, hang in there...December will be much better! In fact, I'll have my first real give-away!!!! YEA!!! Stay tuned!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
11/25/2010 - Day 25 The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
Not sure if I'm suppose to know this...
I'd rather say Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so blessed and honored to have a loving family and wonderful friends. May your day be amazing!
I'd rather say Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so blessed and honored to have a loving family and wonderful friends. May your day be amazing!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
11/24/2010 - Day 24 Make a playlist
For my Toddler "Super Boy" - A Playlist1. Stop! In the Name of Love - The Supremes2. I Wanna Hold Your Hand - Beatles
3. What'd I Say - Ray Charles4. Trouble - Elvis5. Here We Go Again - Ray Charles6. Save Me - Queen7. Stayin'Alive - BeeGees8. Your Sweetness is my Weakness - Barry White9. Any Dream Will Do - "Joseph" 10. Silent Night - Holiday
3. What'd I Say - Ray Charles4. Trouble - Elvis5. Here We Go Again - Ray Charles6. Save Me - Queen7. Stayin'Alive - BeeGees8. Your Sweetness is my Weakness - Barry White9. Any Dream Will Do - "Joseph" 10. Silent Night - Holiday
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
11/23/2010 - Day 23 Something you wish you had done in your life.
Have you seen my bucket list? It is on a tab above....check it out! :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
11/22/2010 - Day 22 Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
Much like my posts about the people in my life were there or are there for a reason, I can't wish away something I have done in my past as it is become a part of who I am. Sure, if I could wish away one thing I went though, I'd love to wish away the heartache of multiple miscarriages.....but I also met over 30 amazing women because of it. I discovered so much about myself. I read, learned, and shared stories with others about my medical trails and tests. I became stronger with knowledge. I persevered. I became pregnant. I stayed pregnant. I labored and delivered a healthy baby. I became hope for others who were walking in similar shoes. I survived.
Although I hated this phrase at the time, "all things happen for a reason", it may be true. I will always remember and think of my 4 little angels...I know they are watching over me and my two little ones here on Earth.
Although I hated this phrase at the time, "all things happen for a reason", it may be true. I will always remember and think of my 4 little angels...I know they are watching over me and my two little ones here on Earth.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
11/22/2010 - Day 21 (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
Fight? We love each other too much to fight, but this is pretend so...Hmmmm....First, I'd look over and ask if he's okay.....then calmly suggest that we should call for help.
---sinus infection and fever----UGGG....
---sinus infection and fever----UGGG....
Saturday, November 20, 2010
11/20/2010 - Day 20 Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Drug and alcohol....for the most part, I think they are over rated. Take drugs: Have you listened to the commercials for some of them? The side effects are outrageous! I think Western medicine can be a bit out of control...I think it needs a better balance. And alcohol: Uck! Really...the majority of the easily accessed stuff tastes like a bodily excrement or burns so badly it hurts. Still feeling under the!
Friday, November 19, 2010
11/19/2010 - Day 19 What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
WOW! Those are both pretty bold and broad...especially for a Friday. For me, religion is a belief that there is "something" out there "bigger" and "more powerful" than myself. And as for a politics, they are a mess! But, I have actually taken an interest in them lately.
Sorry so short....not feeling well today. :(
Sorry so short....not feeling well today. :(
Thursday, November 18, 2010
11/28/2010 - Day 28 What if you were pregnant, what would you do?
Well, upon accurate confirmation I'd be shocked, happy, sad, scared, nervous, joyous, amazed, awestruck, perplexed, and nauseous. Then, I'd eat a bowl of ice cream with Golden Grahams and go to bed.
11/18/2010 - Day 18 Your views on gay marriage.
Who am I to judge?If two people, no matter what their genders, want to get married and share their life together through the vows of marriage, why not. I really don't get this "issue".
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
11/17/2010 - Day 17 A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
Skinny BitchI became a vegetarian after reading this humorously, well-written book. Amazing....worth the read!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
11/16/2010 - Day 16 Something you definitely could live without.
War and Hate....really...they are too much energy. Why can't we all just get along?
Monday, November 15, 2010
11/15/2010 - Day 15 Something you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
Bacon....I was a vegetarian for almost 3 years....Bacon was the one thing I missed. Real bacon can not be duplicated in a veggie form. Bacon is my greatest weakness. I love bacon.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
11/14/2010 - Day 14 A hero that has let you down.
What is a "Hero"?
he·ro /ˈhɪər
he·ro /ˈhɪər
Show Spelled[heer-oh]
–noun, plural -roes; for 5 also -ros.
1. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.
2. a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal: He was a local hero when he saved the drowning child.
3. the principal male character in a story, play, film, etc.
4. Classical Mythology .
a. a being of godlike prowess and beneficence who often came to be honored as a divinity.
b. (in the Homeric period) a warrior-chieftain of special strength, courage, or ability.
c. (in later antiquity) an immortal being; demigod.
6. the bread or roll used in making a hero sandwich.
I'll go with 5 and 6...
Dear Capriotti's,
You put onions on my hero. I do not like onions. What a let down.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
11/13/2010 - Day 13 A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)
I think I may be too eclectic for this. I love lots of different music for different reasons. Depending on the toughness of the situation I would call on different artists. So.... Dear Fiona Apple,Your driving dark tones seem to numb my thoughts and focus my artistic side to express what I'm feeling in more of a creative and soulful way. Hey Bobby McFarin,You got it...Don't worry, be happy!
DJ OB-One,You made labor fun and tolerable. Ricky Martin,It is crazy to think almost every song you sing has just the right tempo to run too...I hate to run, but you get me through it. Britney Spears,Thanks for making me feel like it is okay to be a girl. Kanye West,I really think you are quite crazy, but your lyrics can almost instantly put me in a great mood and make me feel like I can conquer anything! Marvin Gaye,Ooooo, baby...only your voice can put a twinkle in my eye. get the idea....NEXT!
DJ OB-One,You made labor fun and tolerable. Ricky Martin,It is crazy to think almost every song you sing has just the right tempo to run too...I hate to run, but you get me through it. Britney Spears,Thanks for making me feel like it is okay to be a girl. Kanye West,I really think you are quite crazy, but your lyrics can almost instantly put me in a great mood and make me feel like I can conquer anything! Marvin Gaye,Ooooo, baby...only your voice can put a twinkle in my eye. get the idea....NEXT!
Friday, November 12, 2010
11/12/2010 - Day 12 Something you never get compliments on.
Hmmm...great question...but tell me why would I dwell on this?NEXT!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
11/11/2010 - Day 11 Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
Being Organized!
It's a passion...I love to find a creative home for most everything.
I can walk into most any room and reorganize the space in my mind to best fit what is in the room for maximum efficiency. I love being asked to redesign someone's office, work space, classroom, bedroom, playroom, etc... for a better flow. Truly a Zen Moment!
It's a passion...I love to find a creative home for most everything.
I can walk into most any room and reorganize the space in my mind to best fit what is in the room for maximum efficiency. I love being asked to redesign someone's office, work space, classroom, bedroom, playroom, etc... for a better flow. Truly a Zen Moment!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
11/10/2010 - Day 10 Someone you need to let go, or wish you did not know.
Really...can't say that I have an answer for this one. I really believe that each and every person in my life is there for a reason. They each possess a skill set that I must need to learn from. Then, once the teaching time is over and the lesson is learned, I believe they will phase out of my life. :)
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
11/09/2010 - Day 09 Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
My gut says Jen. My Bean.
Jennifer Carlson, Jen Coyle, or who know what her name is now.
She lived near Madison, WI.
She was like the sister I never had. My twin in college.
All I know is some how we drifted apart and now I've lost track of her.
My Christmas and Birthday cards go unanswered...I've stopped sending them.
I frequently search the internet for her....
I see she once had a picture business....
Facebook is no help....
I've searched her siblings....nothing....
I won't give up...
I still think of her often and say Happy Birthday to her every August.
It was so good to see you almost 10 years ago....
I love ya Bean!
I hope life is treating you well!
Monday, November 08, 2010
11/08/2010 - Day 08 Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
Really...this is the meme for today. Hmmm....
Honestly, like I said earlier, the people in my life surfaced for a reason. I know I have had some interesting lessons to learn and I am sure there are more to come. My life has been pretty amazing in a nut shell....sure, there have been some hell-ish moments, but all-in-all....Life is Good! and Karma will get ya every time! :)
Honestly, like I said earlier, the people in my life surfaced for a reason. I know I have had some interesting lessons to learn and I am sure there are more to come. My life has been pretty amazing in a nut shell....sure, there have been some hell-ish moments, but all-in-all....Life is Good! and Karma will get ya every time! :)
Sunday, November 07, 2010
11/07/2010 - Day 07 Someone who has made your life worth living for.
Hmmm....someone who has made my life worth living....Lots of people make my life worth living every day! My husband, children, family, friends, co-workers...even random people who I meet during the course of my day help to make my life worth living. A mile can go a long way! It is the little things, to me, that make each day worth it. As the saying goes, "I may only be one person in the world, but I could mean the world to one person." Each day we never know how far out reach really extends. Let it be gentle. Enjoy your day!
Saturday, November 06, 2010
11/06/2010 - Day 06 Something you hope you never have to do.
Watch my children die before me.
Every day with them is a gift. I know that. I love them so much at times it feels like my heart will burst. They bring me great joy on even their craziest days. I'm so blessed that they let me be their mommy.
I want to see them grow old. I hope I'm lucky enough to have them in my life for a long, long, long time.
Every day with them is a gift. I know that. I love them so much at times it feels like my heart will burst. They bring me great joy on even their craziest days. I'm so blessed that they let me be their mommy.
I want to see them grow old. I hope I'm lucky enough to have them in my life for a long, long, long time.
Friday, November 05, 2010
11/05/2010 - Day 05 Something you hope to do in your life.
Oh, I have lots of hopes...just check out my "Bucket List" tab. :) I'm excited to know that I'll be crossing another state (Washington) off my list come next June. YEA!!!
Thursday, November 04, 2010
11/04/2010 - Day 04 Something you have to forgive someone for.
This one is tough...I tend to be a very forgiving person. I like to find the best in people and know that everyone comes to the table from a different path, a path I can't always see. So, I trust in my heart they really mean well, but their journey may be effecting their perspective. No one is perfect, it makes the world we live in more interesting. :)
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
11/03/2010 - Day 03 Something you have to forgive yourself for.
As I continue the 30 Days of Truth meme today beckons me to forgive, or at least bring to light, something I need to forgive myself for.
The one thing I have carried around is remembering something I said in high school more than 15 years ago. I told a friend something in truth, but without tact. The comment was made in genuine concern, and, unfortunately, misinterpreted. I can still flash back to that moment when the words rolled off my tongue as I was sitting in the back seat of another friend's car. I see the scene like it was yesterday.That comment not only ruined our friendship, but made the rest of my High School experience very different. Most of our mutual friends were no longer mutual and if I wasn't already "different" and going through teenage awkwardness, those words uttered with the best intentions made me 'stand-out' in a way no one wants to 'stand-out' in high school.
I often wish I could take the words back, but struggle with that thought because: 1) I know I can't take them back & 2) I was being honest.
In the end, I need to let this go and forgive myself for being a teenager. Hopefully this experience has taught me to be more tactful and choose my words more carefully. *sigh*
The one thing I have carried around is remembering something I said in high school more than 15 years ago. I told a friend something in truth, but without tact. The comment was made in genuine concern, and, unfortunately, misinterpreted. I can still flash back to that moment when the words rolled off my tongue as I was sitting in the back seat of another friend's car. I see the scene like it was yesterday.That comment not only ruined our friendship, but made the rest of my High School experience very different. Most of our mutual friends were no longer mutual and if I wasn't already "different" and going through teenage awkwardness, those words uttered with the best intentions made me 'stand-out' in a way no one wants to 'stand-out' in high school.
I often wish I could take the words back, but struggle with that thought because: 1) I know I can't take them back & 2) I was being honest.
In the end, I need to let this go and forgive myself for being a teenager. Hopefully this experience has taught me to be more tactful and choose my words more carefully. *sigh*
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
11/02/2010 - Day 02 Something you love about yourself.
Hmmm...Something I "love" about myself....
1) My name...I never liked it much as a kid growing up, but smack the last name Love on it, and it is awesome!
2) My artsy nature...I find joy in repurposing things or adding color to them.
3) Cooking...I love to cook! (I just wish the dishes did go along with it.)
4) My zaney positive attitude....I love to put a positive spin on everything (99%) of the time...makes life an adventure as there is always something to learn in every situation.
5) Organizational abilities...I love that I can walk into a room, and if asked, can mentally rearrange all the furniture for various purposes (usually efficiency) and it will fit.....measurements not needed.
6) I love being asked to organize something, whether it is "stuff" or an event...although I feel more comfy organizing stuff.
7) Frugality....I love that I'm a bargain hunter and yard sale junkie.
8) Being tall....I'm 6' and it is great....hides a lot of flaws...but can be a challenge when looking for pants. LOL!
9) A wife...knowing I have an amazing companion by my side who will ride the roller coaster with me no matter what, is pretty darn cool! Love him!
10) I love being a Mommy! My kids melt my heart....what more can I say?
1) My name...I never liked it much as a kid growing up, but smack the last name Love on it, and it is awesome!
2) My artsy nature...I find joy in repurposing things or adding color to them.
3) Cooking...I love to cook! (I just wish the dishes did go along with it.)
4) My zaney positive attitude....I love to put a positive spin on everything (99%) of the time...makes life an adventure as there is always something to learn in every situation.
5) Organizational abilities...I love that I can walk into a room, and if asked, can mentally rearrange all the furniture for various purposes (usually efficiency) and it will fit.....measurements not needed.
6) I love being asked to organize something, whether it is "stuff" or an event...although I feel more comfy organizing stuff.
7) Frugality....I love that I'm a bargain hunter and yard sale junkie.
8) Being tall....I'm 6' and it is great....hides a lot of flaws...but can be a challenge when looking for pants. LOL!
9) A wife...knowing I have an amazing companion by my side who will ride the roller coaster with me no matter what, is pretty darn cool! Love him!
10) I love being a Mommy! My kids melt my heart....what more can I say?
Monday, November 01, 2010
11/01/2010 - Day 01 - Something you hate about yourself.
So, here it goes...blogging on "The 30 Days of Truth". Something I hate about myself? Hmmm...Hate is a really strong word. Can I use dislike? Physical or non-physical? Gee, I guess I really don't 'hate' anything about myself, but there are things I would consider changing...
1) My is long with a tip that doesn't fit...if I could just buff down the end...LOL!
2) I can be a random procrastinator.
3) I love sugar...too much for my own good.
4) I love to cook, but loath doing the dishes that go along with my love for cooking.
I guess I just feel so blessed to be living such a wonderful and adventurous life. Yea!
Your turn...What do you hate about yourself?
1) My is long with a tip that doesn't fit...if I could just buff down the end...LOL!
2) I can be a random procrastinator.
3) I love sugar...too much for my own good.
4) I love to cook, but loath doing the dishes that go along with my love for cooking.
I guess I just feel so blessed to be living such a wonderful and adventurous life. Yea!
Your turn...What do you hate about yourself?
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