Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tuesday - Calls from the Dr & more spotting...

Well...I'm not sure what to say...I'm staying relaxed and saying the serenity prayer....Geez!

Spotting is watery & now a light tan. It's showing up at most visits to the restroom. Resrroom visits are still frequent...I think I have "wee'd" 4x in the last 2 hours! LOL!!!

I did get my numbers from my HcG & Progest. Here's how they stack up...
DPO 15 HcG - 213 Progest - 25.2
DPO 17 HcG - 562
DPO 22 HcG - 1936 Progest - 15

Hmmm, well, I'll be going back on Prgesterone supplements, thank goodness I have some from the last pg....and my HcG is good, but not spectacular...I'm not reading into this one!

The Dr. also wants me to see "Dracula" again tomorrow to keep checking things...*sigh*

My shipment of shots should be here today, as I took the last one I had yesterday.

I also see the Peri tomorrow...the timing couldn't be better! They will do a US to see what they can see....OH, happy thoughts, happy thoughts!

Anyway...keep your fingers crossed that all is well in all departments! Thanks!

As far as other happenings today? I give a 3 hours presentation in 90 mins....blah blah blah!

1 comment:

Twice the blessing, plus one said...

Laura- sending hugs and prayers your way....I know you have many things going on right now with work and school, but is there anyway that you can stay at home in bed with your feet up? Most doc's want you to lay low when there is spotting.....

You are in my continued thoughts...I am glad that you have an appt with the Peri tomorrow, that timing is wonderful! I hope your shots show up today....REST, REST, REST and drink tons of water!