Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sept 25th - 14W 1D

Thought I'd better give an update....All is progressing well...MS is slowly fading...although I have a headache today...yea! NOT! Ummm, still just taking one day at a time. Had an appt with my Midwife last week HR was 160...she commented that the baby was moving around a lot!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wednesday = 11w 2d

Well, slight pg sickness fades in and out...I love it when it's out...I'm ready to start feeling good! YEA! I'm developing a bump of sorts and don't have a lot of cravings, but a few foods are always good...Taco Bell (7-Layer Crunch Wrap, Bean Burrito or Cheesy Bean & Rice Burrito), Mashed Potatoes, BBQ Chips, Ice Water, Cotton Candy Philly Swirl, Root Beer Flavored Anything, Bananas with Creamy Peanut Butter, Clausen Dill Pickles and Green Olives.

Annoying bit for the day: The yucky taste I seem to always have in my mouth...fun!