I'm Mrs. Love...mommy of 2 and wife to Superman.
These are the musings of my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
11-7-07 Lover Boy is moving more!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sunday - 10-28-07
On the Lover Boy side...I have gotten a crib off of eBay, my dad is picking it up tomorrow and we'll work on getting it sent out to Vegas...yea...$26! I've also scoped a changing table that just happens to be a work bench...I know, so like me to be outside the box....So far the scheme for the nursery is going to be lime green, black and silver/gray. :)
Oh, started feeling the baby move too...strange!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
10-25-07 - The Fun for Today!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Oct 17, 2007 - US tomorrow!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Oct 4 = 15w 3d
Monday, October 01, 2007
Oct 1 = 15w
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sept 25th - 14W 1D
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Wednesday = 11w 2d
Annoying bit for the day: The yucky taste I seem to always have in my mouth...fun!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Tuesday = 10w 1d...spotting again...LOL!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Friday = 9w 4d, WOW!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wednesday = More MS, 8W 2D
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Saturday = Good Question
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Wednesday = I'm losing my voice...
Thought I'd post this from Monday...crazy! Boy, lots of growth for 4 days...
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Tuesday = 7w 1d
Monday, August 06, 2007
Monday = I Have Horns...
The Lovekin has tripled in size since Thursday and is measuring right on 7w 0d ! YEA...plus a great HB of 144...I did learn that my heart shaped uterus has a bigger split than we originally thought....this is the interesting part...the baby is in the left 'horn' very securly and there is a clot in my right 'horn'...they have basically told me that I will probally release the clot, but the baby will be fine...Ummm, talk about a little scary...so any future bleeding could be from my overly sensitive uterus or this clot...yea? *rolls eyes* My Peri is so happy that things look this good so he doesn't want to see me for 4 weeks! WOW! That puts me at 11 weeks! Right at the end of trimester 1! OMG...My head is spinning...literally...Did I mention I think I have real MS this PG? I've had a headache every day for the last week, but it's been solid for the last 3 days....I get this crazy flu like feeling in my tummy...I feel pukey now and then....and I LOVE ketchup! OMG...I gota lay down...It's like I have a crazy hangover that doen't go away...LOL!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Sunday = Taking the day off
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Saturday = What I didn't want to see....
I'm spotting, again...more than before and the colors are ones you don't want to see when you are PG and less than 32 weeks along....the colors drain your face of color, and cause you to swallow hard. They instantly make you say prayers and want to make a deal with your own life...They make you feel light headed and sick in your belly.
It will be okay...this is only temporary...it is going away...you saw a HB, your baby is fine...7 months from now you will hold it in your arms and whisper to it the stories of how it scared its mother in the beginning. I feel that everything will be ok, it will...I know it, and come Monday I again will see its blipping HB on the screen....it will all be okay.
The past is in the past. Every day is a new day, a gift...
Friday, August 03, 2007
Friday = Being Greatful
- I have a amazing husband who would do anything for me, he loves me!
- My husband is the handiest person to have around, I love him!
- Dogs that always love you, no matter what...never ask questions...or talk back.
- My ever so thoughtful grandmother.
- My parents are very caring and frequently call me to keep me up dated with their life.
- My parents are also both retired so it gives them the opportunity to do what they like to do.
- My parents who visit and help so much around the house and know how to run a mean yard sale! :)
- My brother lives close to me and is a great person to shop & go out to eat with! LOL!
- My nieces are such free spirits...it's amazing seeing them grow up.
- My IL's are supportive and seem so busy...their lives are exciting. :)
- My cousins are a riot! They are so funny, and they make me feel good when I'm around them.
- A have a dynamic group of friends both locally and around the world.
- I have friends who understand who I am and what I've gone through to become the person that I am today, and they appreciate me.
- I live in a beautiful home that my husband and I built with our own 2 hands...literally.
- We are fortunate to have plenty of room for visitors and love entertaining.
- I am very healthy and eat very well.
- I have the great ability to get pg easily, without much intervention.
- I have wonderful Dr's calling me and looking out for my future.
- The healthy & happy baby that I am carrying, who will be born in March, 2008.
- There is always more than enough money to cover the expenses tha I encounter, even the unexpected ones.
- I find money on a regular basis...gota love finding a $20 in a pair of pants or in a random spot in your purse!
- I'm creative and silly.
- I love to shop and can find the best bargains out there!
- I love to work on the computer and am a total computer geek!
- I love gathering information about all sorts of stuff...
- I love to look at the sky, both durring the day and at night.
- I'm blessed to have a pool to float in and drift away durring the heat of summer.
- I have a great body that gets me where I want to go.
- I know I am a work in progess and this masterpiece is not yet finished.
- The fans that circulate cool air.
- My super car that gets me from point A to point B
- My outstanding boss who is the most caring person in the world!
- Not having to write a paper this weekend! Yea!
- The fab pie in the fridge that I made last night...can't ait to eat some!
- My DH who gives me space when I need it and knows how to listen.
- My bed that is so comfy and lets me sleep all though the night.
- The pantry that is always full of good things to eat.
- The bread machine that makes a rocking loaf of bread.
- The Water Store guy who runs a great shop and is so friendly.
- Our neighboors for being so wonderful about everything! Oh, we are blessed!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Thursday = A look inside...
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Wednesday Evening...
Spotting = Done
New numbers = Over 15,000
OB wants to see me tomorrow, US....looking for a HB....I'm nervous...
Wednesday - Should have kept my mouth shut!
I'm going to see Dracula in 3 hours...poo!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday - MS? & No Spots
Gas is my other favorite symptom...I 'fart' on a regular basis, and burp too...the funniest thing about that is I'll feel like I need to release down below, I'll burp instead and feel better...how weird is that?
Other good news? I made it through Tuesday with NO SPOTTING! Yea! The small victories in life!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Monday = Work?
On a happier note...spotting has stopped! YEA!
1 week until next US! :)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Sunday = Spotting...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
More Dreams
Treadmill - passed out
A reunion of sorts - Halloween with a cake that had a skeleton coming out of a grave on it and I hade a pie serving knife.
Saturday = Cleaning Day!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Friday - Recharge & Re-party
Oh ya...another crazy dream...I was one of many people chosen to compete for a chance to organize some big house...any way in part of the competition I was caring for 2 newborns, a boy and a girl. Well, I had one strapped to my back and I was carrying the one in my arms and some of the neighbors stopped by to see how things were going and they mentioned that they had never seen so much love being showered on the 2 babies...I was so happy, I totally loved those babies! :)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thurs - Bliss? & A Bad Dream
I have night class several days a week and as I was walking to my car a loud thought jumped into my head..."IGNORANCE IS BLISS" it seemed to scream....I laughed to myself thinking of a friend who just gave birth to a baby yesterday. A baby she didn't know she was carrying for the first 4 months of the baby's life inside her womb. I had a hard time imagining not knowing for so long...I had an even harder time thinking about going in for an US and seeing a well developed fetus on the US screen. That thought just blew me away.
My DH must have been on the same wave length last night 'cuz I asked him what he thought about being PG and he wished we could just wake up and be 2 or 3 months farther along...I laughed, feeling the same way. Actually, I was hoping to wake up 8 months along....
Although thinking about that now, would I miss all the little things happening along that 10 month path? Hmmmm....I'll think about that one for awhile.
Anyway, I mentioned in my last post that ever since I conceived, even before I had a positive PG test, I've been having very vivid and detailed dreams. Last night was no exception, although it was strange...in essence, I MC'd in the dream, but there was so much more to it...I wasn't scared or frightened...it just sort of happened. None the less, I didn't like the dream....what PG woman would...even a non-PG woman! I'm trying not to read into this one...I'm just taking one day at a time.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Wed - TP Check & An US
I did get my numbers from my HcG & Progest.
Here's how they stack up...
DPO 15 HcG - 213 Progest - 25.2
DPO 17 HcG - 562
DPO 22 HcG - 1936 Progest - 15
DPO 24 HcG - 3609 Progest - 35
I also had an US that seemed anticlimactic...Although what was seen was a BIG difference from 4 weeks (we saw a thick lining) 5 weeks still seemed less than wat I was hoping for....I really wanted to see some form of life...I guess I did, but it was just a sac...a nice round sac...the doctor after looking at my numbers explained that that was all he expected to see at this point...no fetal pole, and definitely not a heart beat.
I guess that's what happens in super early ultra sounds...you just get to see all the little puzzle pieces coming together one at a time and so slowly. Now I have to wait for my next US to see what will happen next. The Dr. said he'd see me in two weeks, which seems like forever, but since I have a day off on a different day of the week, they scheduled me for the Monday, instead of the Wednesday....So, it's really only a week and a half.
The Monday appt will put me at 7 weeks. Keeping an optimistic spirit, I am excited to have an US at 7 weeks, as it will be putting me past my first milestone...the milestone of making to 7 weeks...In my past pg's all of my babies were lost just after 6 weeks. This one is making it though...this one is making it all the way to 40, or close to 40 and I will hold my beautiful & healthy baby in my arms on my next birthday. YEA!
Every PG is different and this one is no exception...what's different about this one:
The Meds: Foltx, Lovenox, Prometrium, Baby Aspirin
The Dr's: Seeing an OB/GYN, Midwife, & Perinatologist
Appts: Lots of visit to Dracula & many visits and US's
Others: Vivid dreams, actually had spotting this time, feelings of hope...
In the end, I can only pray that the out come will be a happy, healthy, beautiful baby...I know everything that I'm going through right now emotionally & physically is worth it.
Third times a Charm!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Tuesday - Calls from the Dr & more spotting...
Spotting is watery & now a light tan. It's showing up at most visits to the restroom. Resrroom visits are still frequent...I think I have "wee'd" 4x in the last 2 hours! LOL!!!
I did get my numbers from my HcG & Progest. Here's how they stack up...
DPO 15 HcG - 213 Progest - 25.2
DPO 17 HcG - 562
DPO 22 HcG - 1936 Progest - 15
Hmmm, well, I'll be going back on Prgesterone supplements, thank goodness I have some from the last pg....and my HcG is good, but not spectacular...I'm not reading into this one!
The Dr. also wants me to see "Dracula" again tomorrow to keep checking things...*sigh*
My shipment of shots should be here today, as I took the last one I had yesterday.
I also see the Peri tomorrow...the timing couldn't be better! They will do a US to see what they can see....OH, happy thoughts, happy thoughts!
Anyway...keep your fingers crossed that all is well in all departments! Thanks!
As far as other happenings today? I give a 3 hours presentation in 90 mins....blah blah blah!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Monday - Hmmm
Upon returning to the house I noticed a tad bit of pink on the TP after a visit to the bathroom. There was also a bit of red the size of a sesame seed in some EWCM...super...ugg! *sigh* I'm trying to stay postitve.
I went to the gym to take a kickboxing class and it was so humid in the gym! Ugg! Normally the humidity here is about 5% and the gage at the house read 50%...needless to say everything was sticky and yucky! LOL! If the class was measured in perspiration, it was a good one, otherwise, I missed the normal instructor who was gone on vacation.
I traveled over to the OB's office to have more blood drawn....another needle...yea...gota love dracula...Waiting to have my blood drawn I was feeling wierd, like my cervix was falling out...it's very low right now, and that bothers me.
Met a girl from the Baby Center Board. Had a delightful lunch and time with her & her DH...we chatted and toured and chatted some more before I had to run home to do my shot! Yea! We are planning on meeting up again later in the week as well.
Went home to do my shot...yea, only 246 left to do!
Leftovers for dinner...yummy & a short bike ride = bed time!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sunday - Just Relax....Ahhhh!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Saturday - Can you say tired?
Looking forward to my next shot today! Yea! Only a small little round, reddish, purplish dot on the injection site....I'll have a whole collection of them before too long...I might have to get a tankini to cover up my belly with all my spots before too long. Yea, Shopping! Now there is something to look forward too!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Friday - Amazed By Psychological Torture
Highlight - I bought a container of Bryer's "Fried Ice Cream" flavored Ice Cream! TASTY! Thought I needed it for being so brave. :)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Thursday - SHOTS?!
Thankgoodness, with a few phone calls my Drs found 4 syringes of Lovenox at one of the offices. Yea! I'm ever so greatful! So, gota go get them so I can have my "lesson" tomorrow! :) I'm going to get poked! LOL!
Got my #'s as well...DPO15 = 213 & DPO17 = 563! Yea!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Wednesday - Dracula
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Tuesday - The dust is setteling! - 4W 1D
Today, Tuesday -
I'm back at work after a nice vacation, of sorts!
OB's office called to let me know I need to give more blood tomorrow to get my 2nd HcG number.
Peri's office called to let me know that mu Rx for Lovenox will be arriving later in the week and that they will show me how to do the injections, first on a mannequin, then on myself.
Yee-Haw! :)
Monday, July 16, 2007
Monday - The Morning After!
Morning - So I called my OBGYN’s office this am and they got me an appt to see the Perinatologist this afternoon, but in the mean time they wanted me to come in for blood work. So I went in for my blood work and everyone was so excited to see me. They took my blood then said we are having this done stat, so I will have results this afternoon…I was shocked! WOW! Then the Midwife saw me and said to go and see the tech to get an ultrasound…WHAT! WOW! She said, I know it’s early, but let’s take a look…LOL! So I had an ultrasound at 4W 0D… they found a very thick lining and a spot! LOL, I couldn’t even ‘see’ it…it was measured, but since it was so small it wouldn’t really measure…she said it was hardly ½ a centimeter! Tiny! LOL! And yes, there was only 1 this time…LOL! I do have US pics, but no way to scan them…I’ll be back later tonight and let you know how the Peri goes with my shots! Yea! Thanks again for all the prayers and warm wishes!
Later - Ok, so I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or just 'over worked' for the day...So, I went to the Peri's office and they did an US there too...ya, so I got not one, but 2 US's today...and I'm only 4w 0d....well, at the Peri's office all they could see was my thick lining...which he said was good...there machines are much more sensitive and there was no spot...bummer...so now I'm wondering what happened, but trying not to wonder...IYKWIM???? He did write me a Rx for the Lovenox, but since it was the end of the day they have to wait for authorization and I won't get that until tomorrow...So, I go back to work tomorrow and will need to leave early to get the Rx and have them show me how to do my shot...then I have another appt/US next Wednesday....the big problem here is that I am doing a huge presentation on that day so I need to leave early, like the last 45 mins, and Wed is the only day that could remotely work...ugg! I'm not stressed, just tired and I have a headache....On the bright side I did get my #'s....213. Sounds good to me. :) *sigh* I'm hungry!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
DPO 13 - See what happens when you test early...
What the heck is that? I'm looking for 2 vertical lines, but I get the vertical line on the Right, which is the control line, and a horizontal line from Left to Right! Huh? LOL! Only one more day and I'm using a Digi next time!
Friday, July 13, 2007
CD 12 - 2 more days...
Only 2 more days until POAS day! Yea!
Today was a day to "look for signs"... Signs, signs, everywhere signs.... :)
Looked for a 4 leaf clover at the park today with the dogs...no luck.
Poked the BBS for growth or soreness...no luck.
Wished on the brightest star in the sky....we'll see.
One strange thing that did happen...I fell asleep hard core, out cold, for 2 hours...man I was tired! Hmmm? A sign?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
DPO 11 - Keeping Busy
Living at the gym in the AM - Turbo Kick Boxing Class & Lap Swimming
Going to the Farmer's Market
Reading Magazines at the Library
Making a loaf of bread
and once again...
going to class.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
DPO 10 - Oooo, I wanted to POAS!
Well, what else did I do today?
Dog Park - Woof!
Watched "Munich"
Looked up Bread Recipes
Read the Newspaper
Watched some News
Ate Left-Overs - Pizza
Researched Court Cases for a Class Presentation
Moved Furniture
Met with Group for Class
Ate Left-Overs - Pizza
Will I make it until Sunday?
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Tuesday - DPO 9
Now my first choice is always Saver's - a Thrift Store - but since it was not $1 day I didn't spend a lot of time there, did pick up a bag of random stuff for 69 cents and a $5 bread machine...After that I ventured to "The Mall"!!! It's amazing how quiet the mall is on a weekday, and the sales were easy to spot...My favs?
Macy's is always a fun spot to find bargains...which surprises me! They have beautiful dresses, and at 75% off, I always have to at least try an a few. Although I did try a few things on, nothing was purchased.
Hot Topic - Always great for fun shoes when on major sale, but no shoes were found...however, I did score a few fun gadgets...grand total $2.11! FUN!
Lunch - Panda Express - Chow Mein, Mixed Veggies, & Tofu w/Eggplant - YUM with a bottle of Aquafina!
New York & Co. - Love, Love, Love this store...WHY? Tall pants....yea! Gota love pants that fit! Plus a sale = $5.99 for a pair of pants for work! Yea!
GAP - Love it or hate it, it's still an obsession...LOL! More pants found here, in talls as well! Yea! My normal $60 pair of jeans were on sale for $9.99!!! Yea, I bought the last 2 pair they had in my size....plus these super cute & comfy boyfriend cargo pants...$12! FAB! & last but not least...a cute white eyelet sundress for $19...that was my total splurge...I couldn't imagine paying $80 for it!
All in all the day was fun and went quickly....
Monday, July 09, 2007
Monday - 6 days until POAS!
Okay, I didn't get it, but my laptop did...bummer! So I spent 4 unfruitful hours trying to fix it...to no avail, tech support has to rescue me. So there goes my beloved laptop....*sigh* who know's when I'll get it back.
On the brighter side I gathered up all the free formula that was sent to me and I'm taking it to The Shade Tree...ahhhh...giving feels good.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
One More Week to Wait
Where I've been in the realm of TTCing:
TTCing - Since July 2006
PG - Sept 2006, singleton
MC - Nov 2006, D&C
PG - March 2007, natural triplets
MC - April 2007, natural
Dx - Hetero MTHFR
Rx - Foltx & Low Dose Aspirin....plus Lovnox injections once PG
Mood = Hopeful!
Time will tell!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Looking and waiting
Monday, April 16, 2007
How fast things change...
OK…My hands are sweating as I type this…we’ll just say I’m going to be under close watch every week….Ummm, so I had the same tech that did my 1st US where I MC’d so I was a bit nervous seeing her, she doesn’t talk much and hardly tells you what’s going on…Ugg so DH is there and said “Ha, it looks like a parrot!” So I’m thinking, that’s good, last time I only had a fetal pole…so I asked do we have a HB and she said “well,” big pause… “Let me look” Ugg the suspense…I started to get worried cuz she had this intense look on her face…then she said “Well, I see the Baby has a hb…and ummm, I’m sorry, want to do a T Vag” Ugg, no prob right? “Yup, baby B has a hb!” What 2 babies! Yipee! “Wait…There is also a Baby C, but Baby C doesn’t have a HB yet, or he might be absorbed as the other 2 kicked him out so to speak.” So I’m dating a week off of my calcs, but my dr didn’t seem worried as multiples can date smaller…So I’m now dating 6 weeks 1 day, Tator A HB was 110, Tator B HB was 103, and French Fry C is on the fence….I’m so running the gamut of emotions…I’d love trips or twins, but I’d be so happy with one. So They are still taking my quants every week, took more today…Dracula is my friend…and I go back on the 25th for another US to see “who’s left” so to speak. So keep and Tators and French Fry in your prayers that all goes well…I’m guessing I might turn out the same as you Stephanie and the French Fry may depart. I’m so happy and clueless at the same time. I thought this appt would make me feel more secure, and it does for the most part, but I’m just feeling strange now…wow, triplets? Or twins! Too fricken cool! I need a nap.
One week later on April 12, 2007... an ultrasound confirmed that I lost all 3 babies. :(
At this time, I'm waiting for Mother Nature to kick in.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
My Paper for the Dr. Maya Angelou Contest
By - 'Vegas' Love
First let me say that I am so blessed to be living such a wonderful life, full of so many unique experiences. I am amazed everyday at the opportunities that are presented to each of us and how they affect each of our lives.
My name is 'Vegas' Love. I’m 29 years old and live in Henderson, Nevada. My life is filled with many interesting tales and stories, but I want to share with you the ‘highlights’ of my 2006.
2006 was a year filled with both great joy and introspection. I guess it was the year of ‘If There’s a Will, There’s a Way!’
My husband and I had a dream to physically build our own house one day and that happened in 2006. On March 1, 2006 we were presented with the ‘Certificate of Occupancy’ for a home that we literally built with our very own blood, sweat, and tears. Luckily there was mostly sweat and few tears. Amazing!
In April of 2006 I accepted a new job position with the Clark County School District and couldn’t be happier. I’m so lucky to work with the most wonderful and outstanding people. Everyone has treated me with such great kindness and respect. Being able to go out into each school in our ever growing community to work with and guide schools administrators and teachers is so amazing. I know I’m the luckiest person in the universe.
I think I’m addicted to education. After completing a Masters of Education in Technology back in 2002, I decided in June 2006 to get yet another Masters of Education in Administration. I’m learning so much about education and myself. After this is complete, I want to get my Ph.D!
As the year continued it seemed like both luck and bliss were really on my side.
In October of 2006 my husband and I were overjoyed to find out that I was pregnant with our first child. We were even happier to know that I would deliver in the summer and the timing was perfect for my job. The planning for the nursery started early and I started reading lots of baby magazines. We also decided we would wait until Thanksgiving to tell our families, especially since I was going to be having an ultrasound the day before Thanksgiving.
The day of the ultrasound arrived and I could tell by the look in the technician’s eyes that something was wrong. Our beautiful baby had stopped developing and I had suffered a miscarriage. Our perfect year had seemed to be turned upside down. I had so many questions and wondered why this happened to me. I felt like a failure.
At first it was very hard to open up to others about what had happened, I just wanted it all to go away. But as time went on I started to share my story and I realized that there are many more like me out there. The more I told other people about my miscarriage the better I started to feel, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I’ve since joined a support system of other women who have lost their first babies to miscarriage. We empathize with each other, support one another and have compassion for the new women who join our group.
When I look back at 2006 I see a year of unbelievable growth and strength, both physically and emotionally. And like Maya, I hope my unique life will inspire and empower others in their personal journey of life.
I look forward to all the joy and introspection 2007 and beyond brings my way while I’m living my best life!