Friday, February 26, 2010

02-26-2010 - Almost Two

Time does really fly...every year seems to get faster and faster. It is hard to believe that my little guy is 23 months old today...almost two! I look at all of the things he can do and it amazes me. Once so dependent on Mommy and Daddy he know lets us know he wants to do things his own way, in his own way, of course.

I often wonder how he figures things out. He likes to feed the dogs. He has been doing this for a few months. But what I don't get is how he knew how to split the dog food between two bowls. We had always just got two scoops and put one in each, not him. He takes one big scoop and puts a little in one dish and a little in the other dish. Kids...they are amazing.

1 comment:

Phishie1 said...

Kids really are the most amazing creatures :) Tabitha about broke my heart when i took her in to use the potty, and she kicked me out.."No mommy I go potty" I just said, "I'll be in the kitchen if you need help pullin up your britches!!"