Wednesday, November 03, 2010

11/03/2010 - Day 03 Something you have to forgive yourself for.

As I continue the 30 Days of Truth meme today beckons me to forgive, or at least bring to light, something I need to forgive myself for.

The one thing I have carried around is remembering something I said in high school more than 15 years ago. I told a friend something in truth, but without tact. The comment was made in genuine concern, and, unfortunately, misinterpreted. I can still flash back to that moment when the words rolled off my tongue as I was sitting in the back seat of another friend's car. I see the scene like it was yesterday.That comment not only ruined our friendship, but made the rest of my High School experience very different. Most of our mutual friends were no longer mutual and if I wasn't already "different" and going through teenage awkwardness, those words uttered with the best intentions made me 'stand-out' in a way no one wants to 'stand-out' in high school.

I often wish I could take the words back, but struggle with that thought because: 1) I know I can't take them back & 2) I was being honest.

In the end, I need to let this go and forgive myself for being a teenager. Hopefully this experience has taught me to be more tactful and choose my words more carefully. *sigh*

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