Tuesday, November 02, 2010

11/02/2010 - Day 02 Something you love about yourself.

Hmmm...Something I "love" about myself....

1) My name...I never liked it much as a kid growing up, but smack the last name Love on it, and it is awesome!
2) My artsy nature...I find joy in repurposing things or adding color to them.
3) Cooking...I love to cook! (I just wish the dishes did go along with it.)
4) My zaney positive attitude....I love to put a positive spin on everything (99%) of the time...makes life an adventure as there is always something to learn in every situation.
5) Organizational abilities...I love that I can walk into a room, and if asked, can mentally rearrange all the furniture for various purposes (usually efficiency) and it will fit.....measurements not needed.
6) I love being asked to organize something, whether it is "stuff" or an event...although I feel more comfy organizing stuff.
7) Frugality....I love that I'm a bargain hunter and yard sale junkie.
8) Being tall....I'm 6' and it is great....hides a lot of flaws...but can be a challenge when looking for pants. LOL!
9) A wife...knowing I have an amazing companion by my side who will ride the roller coaster with me no matter what, is pretty darn cool! Love him!
10) I love being a Mommy! My kids melt my heart....what more can I say?

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