Monday, November 22, 2010

11/22/2010 - Day 22 Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.

Much like my posts about the people in my life were there or are there for a reason, I can't wish away something I have done in my past as it is become a part of who I am.  Sure, if I could wish away one thing I went though, I'd love to wish away the heartache of multiple miscarriages.....but I also met over 30 amazing women because of it. I discovered so much about myself. I read, learned, and shared stories with others about my medical trails and tests. I became stronger with knowledge. I persevered. I became pregnant. I stayed pregnant. I labored and delivered a healthy baby. I became hope for others who were walking in similar shoes. I survived. 
Although I hated this phrase at the time, "all things happen for a reason", it may be true. I will always remember and think of my 4 little angels...I know they are watching over me and my two little ones here on Earth.

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