Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wed - TP Check & An US

Today was an all day TP check day between presentations. Ever so thankfully, all TP checks came back fair to mostly clear! Yea!

I did get my numbers from my HcG & Progest.

Here's how they stack up...

DPO 15 HcG - 213 Progest - 25.2
DPO 17 HcG - 562
DPO 22 HcG - 1936 Progest - 15
DPO 24 HcG - 3609 Progest - 35

I also had an US that seemed anticlimactic...Although what was seen was a BIG difference from 4 weeks (we saw a thick lining) 5 weeks still seemed less than wat I was hoping for....I really wanted to see some form of life...I guess I did, but it was just a sac...a nice round sac...the doctor after looking at my numbers explained that that was all he expected to see at this fetal pole, and definitely not a heart beat.

I guess that's what happens in super early ultra just get to see all the little puzzle pieces coming together one at a time and so slowly. Now I have to wait for my next US to see what will happen next. The Dr. said he'd see me in two weeks, which seems like forever, but since I have a day off on a different day of the week, they scheduled me for the Monday, instead of the Wednesday....So, it's really only a week and a half.

The Monday appt will put me at 7 weeks. Keeping an optimistic spirit, I am excited to have an US at 7 weeks, as it will be putting me past my first milestone...the milestone of making to 7 weeks...In my past pg's all of my babies were lost just after 6 weeks. This one is making it though...this one is making it all the way to 40, or close to 40 and I will hold my beautiful & healthy baby in my arms on my next birthday. YEA!

Every PG is different and this one is no exception...what's different about this one:
The Meds: Foltx, Lovenox, Prometrium, Baby Aspirin
The Dr's: Seeing an OB/GYN, Midwife, & Perinatologist
Appts: Lots of visit to Dracula & many visits and US's
Others: Vivid dreams, actually had spotting this time, feelings of hope...

In the end, I can only pray that the out come will be a happy, healthy, beautiful baby...I know everything that I'm going through right now emotionally & physically is worth it.

Third times a Charm!

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